Zapappi Documentation

Welcome to the Zapappi Documentation Website. This site is for those who know nothing about Zapappi and those who want to learn more. Each product and service is documented here. You'll find technical information, samples and guides as well as links to code and community contributions.

Zapappi Voice Application Platform (ZapApp)

Zapappi SIP Application platform allows you to write code that controls the flow and media of SIP calls.

Zapappi SMS Platform

Learn about our SMS platform and how to configure and send SMS's.

Zapappi Number Platform

Learn about Zapappi's global numbering platform, call routing for inbound calls and SMS's.

Spire Real-Time Notifications

Spire event notification platform allows you to hook into real-time events within Zapappi's products and services. 

SIP Inbound

SIP Inbound allows you to control translations between numbers and services either provided by Zapappi or 3rd parties.

General Zapappi Concepts

Information and guides on useful concepts within the Zapappi Platform.

SIP Trunk Platform

The SIP Trunk platform lets you create and manage your SIP trunks, as well as add IP addresses to your trunks.

Call Flow Platform

The Call Flow Platform allows you to create interactive call flows that through using predetermined actions. The application is hosted and run on our platform and the servers.

Call Recording Platform

Call recording platform allows you to record calls in Zapappi and also manage the recordings using containers or off-site solutions.

  • Introduction
  • Basic Concepts