

In the Zapappi platform, Endpoints can be defined as the final destination for a call route. The endpoint could be set to an application from your ZapApp suite or direct telephone number. These destinations are defined and listed on this section of the portal.

Endpoints can be created directly from the Endpoint tab on the SIP Platform. Currently only a Simple Endpoint can be created.

To create an Endpoint, click the 'Create Endpoint' button in the top-left then 'Simple Endpoint' from the drop down. Endpoints can also be edited from this page.

Endpoint Details

There are several details that need to be filled out when creating or editing an endpoint. These are explained in detail below.

Basic Details

The basic required values for the endpoint.


A description or name for the endpoint. This is shown when the endpoint is listed or appears for selection.


The final destination of the endpoint. For example sip:4567890321@provider. The ForwardUri can also be modified using %cvar1 or %cvar2. If these either of these are used, they'll be replaced by the respective variable entered in the number mapping.

UAC Authentication

Under the UAC (User Account Control) Authentication section you can edit the authentication details for the endpoint. For example, these details will be necessary connecting to an endpoint that requires authentication. A 401 error may be returned before checking for your credentials. If UAC Authentication section is left blank, then this will be ignored unless required by the endpoint.


The username that will be checked for authenticating.


The password that will be checked for authenticating.

Call Flow

The call flow section can be used set up a ProxyURI (an intermediary step before connecting to the endpoint).

More details coming soon.