Call Forwarding

A call forwarding asset allows you to add a number to which calls can be routed; a name is also given to the number to make its purpose easily identifiable.

To create or manage your call forwarding objects click into the Call Forwarding tab. Once created you'll then be able to forward calls to your numbers by name; this can be done at the point of purchase, or later if you prefer, and is amended easily at any point.

Create a New Call Forward

Click the "Create" button under the Call Forwarding tab and you'll be able to enter a number to route your calls to and a description for that number.

Manage Call Forward Objects

In the manage screen you can easily amend or view the descriptions and numbers associated with any of your forwarding objects. 

Using Call Forwarding Objects

Buying New Numbers

When you buy a new number, there is now the option to route calls from a number you're purchasing to one of your existing forwarding objects. You can forward calls from multiple numbers to the same forwarding object. 

On the second page of the number purchasing option select Call Forwarding from the product's dropdowns and select from the list of your destination descriptions in the "Destination" drop down.

Managing Numbers

If you'd like to update the routing for an existing number head to Numbers > Manage Numbers. Click the Details button next to the number to be updated and select the Related tab(see below). Options to select call forwarding and a forwarding number will then appear.

N.B. A number can only be associated with either a call forwarding object or a SIP trunk, to set a forwarding number for a trunk use Disaster Recovery.