Managing Numbers


Any numbers that you have purchased within the Numbers platform can be quickly and easily managed. This includes attaching and setting applications, deleting numbers and editing SIP.

All number managing functions can be performed through the 'Manage Numbers' page

The search menu can be used to find a specific number or set of numbers by criteria.

Searching criteria:

  • Search - Number string to search for. i.e. "0789" will find all numbers beginning with those characters.
  • Number Provider - The provider for the number. Options are Any, Zapappi, Ported, External.
  • Country - The geographic country for the number.
  • Contact - Filter by a specific contact for a number. More information on the contacts page.

All matching search results will appear in the main section of the page.


Numbers can be deleted by clicking the 'delete' button at the side of the number in the table you want to delete.


Details for a number can be found by clicking the 'Details' button. The main things that can be done through the 'Details' dashboard is attaching a number to an application and SMS routing.

Information on how to attach a number can be found on the attach a number page.


The 'Routing' tab can be used to route an individual number to an individual endpoint. The current routing for the application can be seen in the blue box underneath the 'Number Destination' heading. 

(Add image for routing)

To edit the details of the endpoint, click the 'View Endpoint' button. This will bring up a page called 'Edit Simple Endpoint' and allow you to edit the endpoint for the number. More details can be found on the Edit Endpoint page.


The SMS tab can be used for numbers that can accept SMS messages, notably mobile phone numbers.

The parameters on the page are used to determine how you want to receive the information back from the SMS.

Using HttpGet as an example, you can enter the tokens in your chosen URL and those will be replaced with the actual values sent through by the message.

Bulk Editing

The manage number page also allows you bulk edit numbers that you've purchased. This can be done by either selecting the check boxes individually for the numbers you wish to edit or selecting all the numbers on a certain page to edit by clicking the checkbox at the top.

The action that can be performed using the Bulk Action is Bulk Editing SIPs.

When you select the 'Bulk Edit SIP' option from the drop down you'll be taken to a page with all the numbers you've selected.

From here you can select an Endpoint that can be used for every number you've chosen.

You can also use the 'Match' and 'Replace With' on multiple numbers.